خانه :: اساتید :: اخبار

بازدید:42323   بروزرسانی: 03-07-1403

Mohammad Ali Rezvani


Marking; All laboratory reports are due two weeks after the end of the experiment. Late reports will be penalized 1% per day except in extenuating circumstances. Each report will be worth 4% of your final mark, with the lowest grade being dropped in the final calculation. The final exam will be worth 30% of the grade.




The experiments contained in this laboratory manual have been designed to contribute to the student's understanding of the principles of inorganic chemistry through:

1) The use of some of the modern techniques for the synthesis and investigation of inorganic compounds. And  2) The gaining of first-hand experience of inorganic compounds. Note that the experiments are not in some cases specifically tied to particular sections of the lecture course, but rather designed to augment the lectures in order to provide a broad introductory course in inorganic chemistry.


The format of the written laboratory report will vary slightly from experiment to experiment, but in general thy are expected to contain the following:

(a) Purpose: Briefly describe what you plan to do, and why.

(b) Introduction

(c) Procedure: Give a condensed version of what is in the manual. Include the exact weights of reagents/products you measured.

(d) Observations: Describe what happened in your reaction, in some detail.

(e) Discussion: Give an explanation of the steps in the synthesis, and of the observations you made. Give balanced chemical equations wherever possible. Explain any anomalous (i.e. too low, or too high) yields from syntheses.

(f) Conclusion: Give a very brief summary of your results. This will obviously differ greatly from experiment to experiment.

(g) Post-lab questions: Answer fully all questions posed at the end of the laboratory write-up.

(h) References: Include all references used in the laboratory write.

Laboratory reports should be written in third person. All reports must be typed or legibly handwritten. Graphical representation of data should be computer generated.


The laboratory reports will be graded on the basis of 100 points, distributed as follows.

(a) Purpose                                                         5 pts

(b) Introduction                                                 10 pts

(c) Procedure & Observations                              25 pts

(d) Discussion                                                      20 pts

(e) Conclusion                                                      10 pts

(f) Post Lab Questions                                          25 pts

(g) References                                                       5 pts

TOTAL                                                                   100 pts