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Amir Mo'meni Hezaveh

Amir Mo'meni Hezaveh
Associate professor


      +98 (0) 24 3305 4182
P.O.Box: 38791-45371, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Zanjan, University Blvd. Zanjan, Iran


Research Interests

Arabic Language & Literature, Comparative Literature (Persian & Arabic literature), Impact of Quran on Persian literature, Persian classical and mystical literary texts especially Rumi's works, Historical & Geographical texts in Persian Language, and Persian Poetry & Prose.

Teaching experience

I have taught Arabic, Arabic Poetry & Prose and Quranic Commentary Texts in Persian, the effect of Quran on Persian literature, Mystical and Epic works especially Rumi's works and Ferdowsi's Sahnameh, Persian classical Poetry & Prose, Persian grammar, Persian Rhetoric, general Persian, Persian stylistics, History of Persian Literature, for 20 semesters in BA, MA and PhD levels at University of Zanjan.


A. Journal papers

  1. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2003. "Comparative literature and its context in the literature of Iran and the Muslim world", [Adabiyyat-e Tatbiqi va zamineha-ye an dar Adabiyyat-e Iran va jahan-e Eslam] in Forty Articles in Iranology and Islamology [Čehel Goftar dar Iranshenasi va Esalamshenasi], Festschrift of Amin, Edited by prof. S. H. Amin, Tehran, Encyclopedia of Iranology [Dayerat al-ma'aref-e Iranshenasi].
  2. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2005. "The relationships between Iran and the Arabs and its influence in Persian and Arabic literature" [Ravabet-e Iran va Arab va ta'sir-e an dar Adabiyyat-e Farsi va arabi], in Monthly Book of Literature and Philosophy [ketab-e mah-e Adabyyat va Falsafe], Vol. 8, No. 9.
  3. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2006. "Rumi's methods in using of Quranic verses with relying on the fourth book of Mathnavi" [Shive-ha-ye Eestefade-ye Molavi az Ayat-e Qoran Ba Tekye Bar Daftar-e Čaharom-e Mathnavi], in Monthly Book of Literature and Philosophy [ketab-e mah-e Adabyyat va Falsafe], Vol. 10, No. 1, 2, 3.
  4. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2007. "The factors of linking and influence between Arabic and Persian Literature" [Avamel-e Peyvand va ta'sir bein-e Adabyyat-e Arab va Adabiyyat-e Farsi], Translated from Arabic into Persian, in Monthly Book of Literature and Philosophy [ketab-e mah-e Adabyyat va Falsafe], Vol. 11, No. 9.
  5. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2009. "The study of the Quranic influence on Persian poetry and its main terminology" [Barrasi-ye Mafhoom-e Ta'sir-e Qur'an Bar She'r-e Farsi va Estelahat-e Vabaste be An], in The literary thoughts Quarterly [Faslname-ye Andishe-ha-ye Adabi], Vol. 1, No. 1.
  6. Kavandi, S. Ahmadvand, A. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2010."Boraq Baba: An Unknown Sufi" [Boraq Baba: Sufi-ye Nashenakhte], in Religions and Sufism [Adyan va Erfan], Vol. 43, No. 1.
  7. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2011. "Ali Name", in The Mirror of research [Ayine-ye Pazhohesh], Vol. 22, No. 4 (Continuously 130).  
  8. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Abbas Ahmadvand. Saeed Tavoosi Masroor. 2011.   Dawud al-Raqqi: "A Critical Survey of his Role in The Propagation of Shia’a Teachings", in Journal of Shia'a Islamic Studies, (Peer reviewed, ISI), Vol. 4, No 4.
  9. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Marziye Rahimi. 2012. "The influence of European literary schools on the appearance of spacementalism movement in Persian poetry with a focus on Books of Yadollah Ro'ya'i" [Ta'sir-e Makateb-e Adabi-e Oroopa dar Shekl Giri-ye Jarayan-e Hajm Gera'i dar Shea'r-e Farsi Ba Tekye bar Asha'r-e Yadollah Ro'ya'i], in The Literary Thought [Andishe-ye Adabi], Vol. 1, No. 2.
  10. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Mohammad Rahim Beiraqi. 2012. "The reflection of Quranic stories in similarities of Khaqani's Divan" [Baztab-e Qesas-e Qor'ani dar Tashbih-ha-ye Divan-e Khaqani], in The religious research [Pazhohesh-e Dini], No. 24.
  11. Ahmadvand, A. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2012. "Berthélémy D. Herbelot and his Oriental Library" [Berthélémy D. Herbelot va ketabkhane-ye Sharqi-ye 'u], in History and Civilization of Islamic Nations [Tarikh va Tamaddon-e Melal-e Eslami], Vol. 8, No. 15, 1391.
  12. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2013. "An introduction to comparative criticism of Leila and Majnoon story in Persian and Arabic literature" [Daramadi bar Naqd-e Tatbiqi-ye Qesse-ye Leila va Majnoon dar Adabiyyat-e Farsi va Arab]", Translated from Arabic into Persian, in Monthly Book of Literature and Philosophy [ketab-e mah-e Adabyyat va Falsafe], Vol. 16, No. 9. (Consecutive No.: 189).
  13. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2013."Ozri Love and Sufi Love" [Eshq-e Ozri va Eshq-e Soofiyane], Translated from Arabic into Persian, in Monthly Book of Literature and Philosophy [ketab-e mah-e Adabyyat va Falsafe], Vol. 16, No. 12. (Consecutive No.: 192).
  14. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2013. "Leila va Majnoon in old Arabic literature" [Leila va Majnoon dar Adabiyyat-e Qadim-e Arab], Translated from Arabic into Persian, in Monthly Book of Literature and Philosophy [ketab-e mah-e Adabyyat va Falsafe], Vol. 16, No. 83. (Continuously 196).
  15. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2018. "Arabic linguistic Patterns in Sa'di's works" [Olgooha-ye Zabani-ye Arabi dar Ash'ar-e Sa'di], in Literary Text Research [Matn Pajhohi-ye Adabi], Vol. 23, No. 80, autumn.
  16. Mahabbati, M., Vali'i, Q., Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Shekufeghi, H. 2019. "Narrative Quatrain in Attar Neishaburis' Mokhtarnameh" [Roba'i-e Rava'i dar Mokhtar Name-ye Attar], in mystic Literature [Adabiyyat-e Erfani], No. 18, spring.
  17. Akhyani, J. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Taromi, A. 2020. "Comprehensive study of the verb contradiction in Said's Sonnets" [Barrasi-e Jame'e Tazadd-e Fe'li Dar Ghazalha-ye Sa'di], in Literary Text Research [Matn Pajhohi-ye Adabi], No. 83, Spring.
  18. Mahabbati, M. Vali'i, Q. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Shekufeghi, H. 2019. "The Quatrain–Story Process from Sana'i to Rumi" [Seir-e Roba'i- Qesseh az Sana'i ta Mawlavi], in Mysticism Journal [Pazhohesh Name-ye Erfan], (accepte).
  19. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Jahed, M. 2019. "Poverty and wealth: A study on Sa'di and Mawlavi's ethical thoughts" [Faqr va Qena: Naqd va Barrasi-ye Andisheha-ye Akhlaqi-ye Molavi va Sa'di], in religious Thought [Andishe-ye Dini], (accepted).
  20. Amiri Mehr, H. Akhyani, J. Eslami, M. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2020. "Unconscious linguistic interference an unknown phenomenon in Khaghani's poetry" [Tadakhol-e Zabaniy-e Nakhodaghah Padide'I Nashenakhteh dar She'r-e Khaghani], in Textual Criticism of Persian Literature [Matn Shenasi-ye adab-e Farsi], (accepted).

B. conference papers

  1. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2011 "Sa'di and ethical theories" [Sa'di va nazariyeha-ye Akhlaqi], Proceedings of 2nd Congress for Sohravardi's Memorial, The university of Zanjan, Iran.
  2. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2012 "The early mutual influences of Persian and Arabic literature on each other" [Nakhostin Asar Paziriha-ye Adab-e Farsi va Arabi az Yekdigar], Proceedings of 7nd International Conference of  Iranian Society for promotion of Persian Language and Literature (ISPL),The university of Allame-ye  tabatabayi, Tehran, Iran.
  3. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Maryam Koochaki. 2013. "Investigation of rewritten stories from Mathnavi for children and teenagers (1990-2005)" [Barresi-ye Dastanha-ye Baznevisi Shode az Mathnavi bara-ye Koodakan va Nowjavanan (1370-1385)], Proceedings of 2nd international Mathnavi Symposium on Contemporary Interactions, Turkey, Yozonji Yil University & Iran, Urmiya University.
  4. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2013. "Bayazid-e Bastami: the Perfect man in Mathnavi" [Bayazid-e Bastami: Ensani Kamel dar Mathnavi], Proceedings of 2nd international Mathnavi Symposium on Contemporary Interactions, Turkey, Yozonji Yil University & Iran, Urmiya University.
  5. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. (2013)" Ethical Teleology in Sa'di's Works" [Qayat Geraii-e Akhlaqi dar Asar-e Sa'di], Proceedings of 8nd International Conference of  Iranian Society for promotion of Persian Language and Literature (ISPL),The university of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
  6. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2013. "Nezamiye: as effective factor in Qazzali's influence on Sa'di" [Nezamiye Ameli Moa'sser dar Ta'sir Paziri-ye Sa'di az Andisheha-ye Qazzali], Proceedings of 8nd International Conference of Iranian Society for promotion of Persian Language and Literature (ISPL), The university of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
  7. Mo'meni Hezaveh. A. Farhad Moradi. 2015. "An Introduction to applicable software in the field of Persian language and literature" [Moa'rrefi va Tahlil-e Narm Afzarha-ye Karbordi dar Hoze-ye Zaban va Adabiyyat-e Farsi], Proceedings of 10nd International Conference of Iranian Society for promotion of Persian Language and Literature (ISPL), The university of Mohaqqeq-e Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
  8. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Ma'soome Samkhaniyani. 2015. "The myth of Hallaj in Persian and Arabic contemporary poetry" [Ostoore-ye Hallaj dar Shea'r-e Moa'se-re Farsi va Arabi], Proceedings of 2nd international Congress of Persian language and literature, the University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran.
  9. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Alireza Vae'zi. (2018). "The Comparative study of color element in contemporary Persian and Arabic poetry, relying on poetry of Youshij, Farrokhzad, Darvish And Qabbani" [Barresi-ye Tatbiqi-ye Onsor-e Rang dar She'r-e Moa'aser-e Farsi va Arabi ba Tekye bar Ash'ar-e Nima Youshij, Forooq-e Farrokhzad, Mahmood Darvish and Nezar Qabbani], Proceedings of 13nd International Conference of  Iranian Society for promotion of Persian Language and Literature (ISPL),The university of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran.
  10. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2018."Mogolian Words in Persian language with relying on Dehkhoda Dictionary" [Vazheha-ye Moğoli dar Zaban-e Farsi bar Asas-e Loğat Name-ye Dehkhoda], Proceedings of 1nd International Conference of Ilkhanan government and its influence on the Silk Road, the University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.

C. Books

  1. Ahmadvand A. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2013. Geographical texts in Persian [Motoon-e Goğrafiyaii be Zaban-e Farsi], Markaz-e Nashr-e Daneshgahi Pulication, Tehran, Iran.
  2. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. Ahmadvand, A. 2014. Historical texts in Persian [Motoon-e Tarikhi be Zaban-e Farsi], Markaz-e Nashr-e Daneshgahi Publication, Tehran, Iran.
  3. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2015. Leila va Majnoon in Persian and Arabic literature [Leila va Majnoon dar Adabiyyat-e Farsi va Arabi], Translated from Arabic language into Persian language, Tehran, E'lmi va Farhangi Publication, Tehran, Iran.
  4. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2016. The connection between Inspiration and imagination [Peyvand-e Vahy va Khiyal], Markaz-e Nashr-e Daneshgahi Publication, Tehran, Iran.

D. Literary Editing

  1. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2010. The Critique on Principles and Summarization of Chapters [Naqd –al Fosool va Talkhis –al Osool], the university of Zanjan Publication, Zanjan, Iran.
  2. Mo'meni Hezaveh, A. 2011. The Fundamentals of Statistical Climatology [Mabani-ye Eqlim Shenasi-ye Amari], the University of Zanjan Publication, Zanjan, Iran.


  1. The analysis of fundamentals of modern science, 2012, the University of Zanjan.
  2. An introduction to Persian Language and Literature databases, 2012, the University of Zanjan.
  3. An introduction to professional soft wares for Persian Language and Literature, 2012, the University of Zanjan.

Workshops held

An introduction to Rumi's language and thought in Mathnavi, 2012,      

7. Membership in academic societies

Member of Iranian Society for promotion of Persian Language and Literature (ISPL).

 Administrative Experience

  1. Director of Dept. Persian Language and Literature at University of Zanjan, 2009 – 2012.
  2. Head of Faculty of Humanities at University of Zanjan, 2012 – 2016. 

 Language Ability

  1. Persian = Native Speaker
  2. English = Average in speaking, reading, writing and listening.
  3. Arabic = Fluent in reading, average in speaking, writing and listening.