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چاپ مقاله آقاي دكتر نيكبخت
در مجله Physical Review B که جزء لیست مجلات منتخب فدراسیون سرآمدان علمی کشور قرار دارد

مقاله با عنوان Radiative heat transfer in fractal structures

در مجله Physical Review B که جزء لیست مجلات منتخب فدراسیون سرآمدان علمی کشور قرار دارد.

شایان ذکر است که فدراسیون سرآمدان علمی با هدف کمک به تحقیقات علمی معتبر، سالانه 100 محقق سرآمد را شناسایی و به آنها گرنت‌های پژوهشی و آزمایشگاهی پرداخت می‌کند.


How far the heat radiation can be transmitted in nanoscale structures?

‍‍ How can we identify optimal materials and designs for setting the effective range of radiative heat transfer in intricately nanoscale structures? It is well-known that the radiative heat transfer between objects depends drastically on their separation distances. When these objects are really close to each other, but not exactly in contact, the amount of energy they exchange via radiation exceeds that predicted value by the Stefan-Boltzmann equation for objects at the macroscopic world. Increasing the number of objects, influences the radiative properties which are intimately connected to the way in which these objects are arranged in the system. We proposed a new representation for the radiative heat transfer in many-body systems. The introduced approach can explicitly feature the contribution of objects characteristics as well as their geometric arrangement on the heat flux in many-body systems. It is shown that the heat exchange could be large even for far apart objects in structures showing transnational symmetry. In contrast, it is shown that the thermal radiations tend to be localized in fractal structures and are of small range character. Owing to the confined radiative diffusion scale lengths, it is shown that the radiative cooling of nanoscale structures possess universal scaling properties.

لینک مقاله: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.125436

ارسال شده در مورخه: 10-8-1396

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